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Herbal Formulas to Choose and Buy NOW:

Cush-Support for Yin Vacuity Fire

canine cushings disease, dog cushings disease,

Choose This Product If:

  • Enrich yin & subdue yang
  • Fortify the spleen
  • Boost the qi
  • Transform phlegm
  • Eliminate damp
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Product Description

Cush-Support Yin Vacuity Fire addresses the symptoms of the disorder that occurs when the body makes too much of the hormone cortisol over a long period of time. Edit

Cush-Support for Spleen/Kidney Yang Vacuity

canine cushings disease, dog cushings disease,

Choose This Product If:

  • Obesity or water retention/swelling
  • Appearance of shiny skin
  • Jagged or tight breathing (shortness of breath)
  • Pain in the sides or flank
  • Aggressive and/or irritable behavior
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Product Description

Cushing's Symptoms where there is lots of phlegm Edit